
Is Peru a Good destination for Tourism Business? | All You Need to Know

Machu Picchu has obviously been a significant long-term attraction, while the development of other important and spectacular sites throughout the country, along with an increase in the overall standards of the tourism infrastructure in Peru, has helped ensure a consistent rise in foreign arrivals. Colca Valley, Paracas National Reserve, Titicaca National Reserve, Santa Catalina Monastery, and Nazca Lines are among the other popular attractions in the country.

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The number of foreign tourists visiting Peru each year has increased dramatically during the last 15 years, totaling more than three million in 2014 and largely contributing to the economic growth of this South American country.

Since Peru is a developing country, tourism plays a key role in the advancement and independence of its national economy. As a result, taking a South American vacation to Peru and dining out, visiting local shops, and staying at local establishments can help improve the local and national economy.

The number of foreign tourists visiting Peru each year has grown from less than half a million in 1995 to over three million in 2013. The figures represent the total number of international tourists each year, which in this case includes foreign tourists and Peruvian tourists residing abroad. Data for the following has been compiled through a variety of resources including the World Bank data on international tourism.

The tourism sector in Peru has increased significantly in recent years, Machu Picchu has become one of the most visited destinations within the South American continent. Beyond that, Peru has an enormous variety of natural and archeological destinations that are still in the process of promotion.

Is Peru a good place to do business? Of course it is!

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The reality of education in Peru is deficient, as shown by the latest test of the report of the International Program for Student Assessment (PISA), which places us in 64th place out of 77 countries. Taking this situation into account, educational quality in rural settings has more obstacles to overcome in order to achieve a proper level of education.
It is worth highlighting the relevance of education in the country, since, with incomplete secondary studies, nobody would be able to study even a technical career, and most likely they will continue to remain in poverty.


At the national level, there are 43.5% of children suffering from malnutrition. Only in Cusco, 57.4% of infants suffer from this disease, which is a rather alarming figure since it is the second largest region in Peru with chronic child malnutrition and anemia.Within the Cusco region, the provinces that present high rates of anemia are:

Paucartambo (65.9%), Quispicanchis (65.1%), Cusco (62.6%), Acomayo (61.5%), Espinar (61.5%) and Chumbivilcas (60.9% ).

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